Project Log: ScummVM for the GP2X

This project log contains information on my, now official, port of the wonderful ScummVM virtual machine to the GP2X platform.

Official GP2X ScummVM 0.11.1 Release.

By DJWillis On Tuesday, March 18, 2008 At 11:50 am
Hi Everybody,

Just a quick note to draw people’s attention to the latest and greatest release of ScummVM (0.11.1).

It has taken me a few weeks to get a chance to get a tested GP2X build up together but there is now a version of the GP2X port that matches the official release. The only fixes in this release are to specific games (Lure springs to mind). There are no noteworthy changes to the GP2X backend.

This release also marks a change in how I go about considering donations for my projects.

Previously I have never taken donations for any of my projects and have suggested that people either donate to charity or to the upstream projects. Whist I still firmly believe in this approach for a short while I am also going to accept donations for ScummVM so I can use any donations to actually get hold of a working GP2X (and maybe an F200 to improve support). So if anybody has hardware they no longer use and don’t need .

Don't worry, I have every intention of maintaining the port no matter what and I do NOT expect donations. Please also note that I do not accept donations for features, bounties or anything like that, only donate if you like what is there, not what may be done in the future. Also be assured that it really is appreciated.

Anyway, on a lighter note you can find information about the release on the main ScummVM pages here including download links for the GP2X.

Information for the GP2X port can be found on the ScummVM Wiki here.

Before any questions of compatibility with specific games are raised I would like to draw people’s attention to the following ScummVM Wiki page that outlines what criteria are used to decide if games are compatible with the port. I hope this should clear up any misunderstandings over what games are ‘supported’ on the port and the reasoning behind such decisions.

As always please leave feedback here or over at the ports official ScummVM forum.

Any updates to the compatibility information are always appreciated as are patches and bug reports or reasonable feature suggestions.

Enjoy messing about with ScummVM.

for this post

Blogger centaur2 Says:

Thanks, a wonderful piece of coding!

Blogger centaur2 Says:

Thanks, a wonderful piece of coding!


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