Project Log: ScummVM for the GP2X

This project log contains information on my, now official, port of the wonderful ScummVM virtual machine to the GP2X platform.

0.12.0 "Preview 1" released.

By DJWillis On Friday, August 08, 2008 At 9:17 am

This post is to announce the preview 1 release of the upcoming 0.12.0 release for the GP2X.

This release fully supports all GP2X's (F100 and F200 with touchscreens).
Touchscreen support is fairly primitive but should improve with preview 2> due to some changes I have in the works..

You can download the release here (pulled, use preview 2>) .
The official forum is here.

This should support all new games added in the 0.12.0 release cycle. These new games are largely untested on the GP2X so feedback about them is especially important.

All being well this is pretty much what will end up as the official 0.12.0 release apart from USB keyboard and improved touchscreen support to be added in later previews.

How to provide feedback?

In order to help me keep track of requests, bugs etc. I am asking that people kindly report such issues to the correct places (or at least copy them there). I don't spend all my time looking at forums and bug reports placed on random internet forums are never very helpful to me (i.e. they are very unlikely to get fixed). The same applies to feature requests etc. etc.

If you would like me to consider a feature or fix a bug help me to help you by ensuring the reports end up recorded in the one official place.

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